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DMCA – Copyright Infringement Report



Hunters Scan respects the copyright and intellectual property of content creators. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), if you believe that any content on our website infringes your copyright, you may submit a takedown notice. Below are the instructions for submitting your DMCA notice via email.

Instructions for Submitting a DMCA Notice

To submit a DMCA notice, please send an email to contact@huntersscan.xyz or hunterscan1@gmail.com with the following information:

1. Contact Information

  • Full Name:
  • Email Address:
  • Physical Address (optional, but preferred):

2. Description of the Copyrighted Work

  • Title of the original work (e.g., manga title):
  • Link to the original content:
  • Description of the copyrighted work:

3. Description of the Infringing Content

  • URL of the content that you believe is infringing your copyright:
  • Description of the infringing content:

4. Good Faith Statement

  • State that, in good faith, you believe the use of the infringing content is not authorized by the copyright owner, their agent, or the law.

5. Signature

  • Digital or physical signature (you can sign digitally or simply type your name as your signature).

Email for DMCA Takedown Submissions:

You may submit your DMCA notice to the following email addresses:

Legal Disclaimer

Hunters Scan cooperates with DMCA notices to comply with copyright law and protect legally compliant content. By submitting a DMCA notice, you agree that the information provided is accurate and in good faith. Hunters Scan is not responsible for incorrect claims and may take legal action against abuse of the DMCA process.